Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just a Feeling I Have

Christmas is only 8 days away people! Just in case you've been living in outer space and haven't realized it yourself. Are you one of those last minute types? Don't have a thing bought yet, wait til Christmas Eve to do your shopping and hope for good sales? Or are you like me?

I have had my tree up and decorated since Thanksgiving weekend. I actually had 2/3 of my presents bought by the first weekend in November. They were all wrapped and under the tree by the first week of December and all my Christmas cards were mailed out the first weekend of December as well. I baked cookies with friends this past weekend so that's all done and out of the way. Now I just sit back and wait for it all to be over with. The only thing I am missing...... that Christmas Spirit.

This year I have no Christmas spirit! I could care less about the holiday. I am ready and have everything done but I am not excited and don't care if it comes or goes. What is wrong with me?? Usually I am so excited to buy presents for the grand kids and can't wait to show Hubbs what I've bought! This year it was a chore more than a pleasure. This year I just wanted to get finished before I even got started. Those who know me, know I am a die hard shopper and live for this so for me to not want to shop is serious business! We might want to think about intervention!!!!

Maybe sometime between now and next week I will get a visit from the Christmas Fairy and suddenly I will feel the spirit again. I hope so because for me that's what it's all about. That laughter, joy and happiness of the family being together to celebrate.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year


Tara said...

I've been struggling to find my Christmas Spirit this year too. I am not sure where it has gone. I have done all my usual things to get me in the mood, but up my tree, listen to Christmas music, watch Charlie Brown Christmas, Christmas Cards, and still it is missing. If you find your Christmas Spirit, can you see if mine is hiding with yours, and send it my way?

Carrin said...

When that Christmas Fairy makes it's way to your place, give her directions to my place please!

Debbie said...

My sweet friend, I hope the Christmas spirit found you! It was very late in getting to me this year too. Seems like that is a common malady.

Jane! said...

Hope you got your spirit back!
Happy New year!!!